The Health Dare
Blog, Health Tips & News
The Health Dare is so easy… you can still have fast food and carbs, and you don’t have to go the gym!
Over 8,000 successful client transformations since 2015…
Why Can’t I Lose Weight?
Why Can’t I Lose Weight, and what separates the person who doesn’t have success from the person who does? Learn more here…
Get Your Beach Body Ready for the Summer
If you’ve embarked on the search for the holy grail of the perfect beach body, you’ve probably found that it takes more…
How To Choose A Weight Loss Program
Summer is upon us and we are all looking to shed that winter weight! But where do we even begin? How To Choose A Weight Loss Program…
Why Gut Health Matters!
Hippocrates, the Founder of Medicine was on to something when nearly 2500 years ago he stated, “All Disease Begins in the Gut.”
Sleep Apnea Treatment, Sleep Apnea Symptoms
What is Sleep Apnea? The Health Dare program is known to work as sleep apnea treatment, and clients have reversed their sleep apnea symptoms.
Why Have I Failed At My New Year’s Resolutions?
New Year’s resolutions are just a fad. And the truth is, most health and wellness programs are taught by people who have never personally…
Probiotics Support Your Immune System!
Did you know that 70% of your immune system comes from your gut? Wow that’s a lot! Probiotics Support Your Immune System…
Podcast Interview with Physical Therapy Dr Jordan Floyd on Exercise Limitations
Physical Therapy Doctor Jordan Floyd and Coach Bridget partner together to create an in-home experience for clients with mobility issues.
Health Dare Wins Best Weight Loss Services of Best of the Upstate 2021
The Health Dare has been voted the “best weight loss company” of “Best of the Upstate 2021” in South Carolina!
The Journal of a Health Coach with COVID-19
As I write this article, I am on day 4 of my COVID journey. As a Health Coach at The Health Dare, I give out a lot of nutritional do’s and…
How Does The Health Dare Work?
The Health Dare is raved by its clients for being one of the most comprehensive health coaching accountability programs on the market. Clients are testifying that they have reversed their symptoms of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, obesity, sleep apnea and high cholesterol in just a few weeks on our program.