Get Your Beach Body
Ready for the Summer Season

If you’ve embarked on the search for the holy grail of the perfect beach body, you’ve probably found (like millions of other people) that it takes more than you’re willing to give.


Published: May 28, 2023

Get Your Beach Body Ready for the Summer Season

If you’ve embarked on the search for the holy grail of the perfect beach body, you’ve probably found (like millions of other people) that it takes more than you’re willing to give.

Debbie and Mark made their way down the hall of my coaching office

Debbie and Mark made their way down the hall of my coaching office and plopped down across from me in the two extra-wide chairs. They were out of breath, wheezing and coughing from walking the 20 yard distance from the parking lot. Mark began to tear up as he told me a heartbreaking story. Last summer, he tried to take his grandson to Disney world. Elated, Mark’s grandson grabbed his hand and begged grandpa to ride the Dwarfs mine train. To his horror, Mark could not fit in the roller coaster and was asked to leave. This was the case with many of the rides, and the “happiest place on earth” revealed the ugly truth. Debbie and Mark’s obesity had kept them from one of the most special moments in their lives. Devasted, they begged me to help them transform their lives.

I’m happy to say that 90 days later, Debbie and Mark had lost over 50 lbs and 30 inches each, and were ready to live a full and happy retired life.

If you’ve embarked on the search for the holy grail of the perfect beach body…

If you’ve embarked on the search for the holy grail of the perfect beach body, you’ve probably found (like millions of other people) that it takes more than you’re willing to give. Or perhaps it is flat out impossible at your age. If you’re like most of my clients, you’ll settle for keeping up with the grandkids! At The Health Dare coaching offices, we have seen over 8,000 client success stories come through our doors, but most of them did not gain a 6-pack of abs and bulging biceps. Rather, it was what they left behind the door of the coaching office that others will never see: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, pounds and inches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acid Reflux and Sleep Apnea. Many couples even begin sleeping in the same bed again after years of separation due to snoring and C-Pap machines! If your goal is to have the perfect beach body, then you may be after the wrong goal.

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Cellular health is from the inside out, and reducing visceral fat will keep you healthy for a lifetime!

Cellular health is from the inside out, and reducing visceral fat will keep you healthy for a lifetime! Diseases like diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure that result from belly fat are plaguing us at younger and younger ages. Do the work, and find out what it takes to get you healthy. Not all diets and weight loss programs are healthy or practical. 

Get Your Beach Body Ready for the Summer Season

The 90-day Health Dare transformation is simple, scientific, and sustainable! Our health coaching program will empower you to become your own health coach so you can maintain healthy habits for life! Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start getting healthy now, from the inside out.

And who knows? Maybe your grandkids will be struggling to keep up with you!

Call now to speak to a health coach to find a plan that is easy and sustainable for YOU!



This couple lost over 20lbs. in just 4 short weeks!

Speak to one of our health coaches now: call 1-877-IDAREME!
Or click button to schedule a free consultation. I DARE YOU!

Say this to yourself: “I DARE ME”

Over 8,000 successful client transformations since 2015…

Clients are raving about their results reversing the symptoms of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, obesity (weight loss), sleep apnea and high cholesterol in just a few weeks on our program.

“Transform your body in 90 days… I dare you!“

Coach Lou

Former Client, Current Health Coach, The Health Dare

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