Why Can’t I Lose Weight? Weight Loss Help!

So what separates the person who doesn’t have success from the person who does?
Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Published: June 15, 2023

What makes a great health and wellness program?
There are all kinds of things out there. From plant based to high protein, to calorie counting, to heavy powerlifting. So what separates the person who doesn’t have success from the person who does?

Why do some get results and some don’t?

Now I understand there are physical limitations, medical conditions, etc. but outside of those parameters…What is it that separates the great from the good? Strong from the weak? Successful from the unsuccessful? Why do some get results and some don’t? Certainly, genetics and physical limitations are at play here, but many people have overcome those odds as well! It all boils down to one word. And this word is really the core value that every successful person needs whether in business, relationships, in a marriage, in education, in health and wellness…your level of success is directly tied to your level of Discipline. Now, don’t be afraid of the “D” word.

When we think of discipline

When we think of discipline, we often think of a monk in Tibet with an orange robe, sitting on the edge of a mountain where it’s 5 degrees, his bare arms showing. He’s not flinching on bit as the snow fall son his freshly shaved head. He’s on the 28th day of a water fast, sitting in a yoga pose for hours without moving, without talking, and has no earthly pleasures of any kind. And if that’s you, more power to you! At The Health Dare, we are fitness rebels. We are not like many of our health coaching friends. We are just like you-we love to eat and I hate to exercise. And guess what, 99% of America does too! That is why McDonalds and obesity are on the rise! You don’t have time to go to the organic market and buy organic, non-gmo food. You don’t have time for gardening, putting lavender oil in your water, doing yoga on the beach, or meditation. Does that make you a bad person? Absolutely not. It makes you a normal person! The reality is, you’re busy taking care of the people who matter most, like your family.

As health coaches, we are not condoning you eat cheeseburgers every day

Now, as health coaches, we are not condoning you eat cheeseburgers every day, but on the subject of discipline, our point is this: your discipline is specific to you. And this is what we often miss in health coaching. Coaches try to hold clients to their own discipline, instead of their client’s. Your discipline is what’s hard for you. You may never have the discipline of Jillian Michaels, of Debra Searle who rowed across the ocean, or a Victoria’s Secret model who works out endlessly and starves herself to be beautiful. You cannot have their disciplines, because you don’t have their body, you don’t have their genes, and you don’t have their life! You are a busy professional or parent busy who just needs to make time for the discipline to take care of you.

You can only have the discipline that is specific to you. If it’s not sustainable for you, it’s not attainable for you. The definition of discipline is “to obey rules or a code of behavior.” Get your health coach to help you find the code of discipline that works for you, and stick to it! Show me your discipline in any area of life, and that is how successful you will be.

But remember it must be your discipline, not someone else’s. Theodore Roosevelt said, “With Self Discipline, almost anything is possible.”

So where do you start?

So where do you start? It’s never a good time to start, you just have to have the discipline to start. The good news is, you don’t have to do this alone! The best way to maintain your discipline is to have accountability, and The Health Dare coaching team is here for you!

Call now to speak to a health coach to find a plan that is easy and sustainable for YOU!


The Health Dare Cost, I Dare Me Diet, How To Lose Weight the Healthy Way

Health Dare Stories – Kathy Survived Cancer & Lost 120 lbs! Watch here

Speak to one of our health coaches now: call 1-877-IDAREME!
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Say this to yourself: “I DARE ME”

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